Nice Video. Your blog is good online source for food lovers. As I am also into food research. Its a good blog with lots of information. Keep the good work on.
I will definitely bookmark your blog for my research work. You may also kindly visit my web site blog related to food and drinks industry that is and I would appreciate if you could kindly have a look at my blog too. It's updated on a daily basis.
Watching this makes me incredibly happy. I hope someone brings an international beef noodle festival to New York.
Thanks for sharing. Awesome.
I am from Taipei but live in NYC now!
It's so good to see something from my hometown!
Looking forward to your articles~~
i always miss it when it's in town! very cool to see. looking forward to hearing about what places you like eating at in taipei
Nice Video. Your blog is good online source for food lovers. As I am also into food research. Its a good blog with lots of information. Keep the good work on.
I will definitely bookmark your blog for my research work. You may also kindly visit my web site blog related to food and drinks industry that is and I would appreciate if you could kindly have a look at my blog too. It's updated on a daily basis.
Thanks & Regards,
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